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This is a great place to give more details about me, as the Webmaster,I Mr.Raymond Alex who is popularly known as Ngigeworldwide would like to tell you viewers more about me.I equally wants to remind you about our movie industry,In asociation of movie practioners(AMP)We believe in one people one love, because we re one and that is our motto.Exeptonally,i would not forget to tell you more about love and some universal difinition of love.
1,Love is the arromatic perfume of that wonderful flower called heart.
2.From love the world borrows its riches and beauty.
3.Love means the greatest adventure.
4.Love establishes all riches and give them the quality adventure.
5.Love is the fist to dream to achieve imortality.
6.Love is devotion,love is sacrifice,love is infinite kindness.I LOVE YOU ALL>NGIGEWORLDWIDE<

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